This is my second year blogging and I am already off to a bad start. I first learned about Blaugust from a good friend last year. I made a grand total of 5 posts and it was to Tumblr. Now, Tumblr is not bad. It is a lot better since some of the cool kids from Twitter came over but it’s still, at its core, a blogging platform that is also a social media. Social media, it turns out is bad for your mental health. Also, I have like zero followers over there. So many dead porn blogs, oof.
If I’m going to spill my heart out to an empty room then it might as well be in my own house. Hence, this blog! The problem is that it is August 9th and the fest has already started festing. I’m going to have to double up on some of the days to catch up but I’m gonna do it. The great Blaug in the sky is my witness. It’s going to happen, Captain.
Thankfully, I also do Nanowrimo so my “type none-sense into the computer until you bleed from your fingers” muscle is muy fuerte. (very strong) (I swear my Spanglish will be kept to a minimum.)
See you tomorrow, friends!!