Posting every single day is eventually going to get old. Right now it feels awesome. I forgot how much I love to write. That may not be the case in a week or two so I’ve devised a plan to help me stay on track as much as possible.

Writing First Thing in The Morning
While I may not be a morning person, I am someone who has more creativity right after I wake up. Especially, if I let myself relax and take the morning at my own speed. Morning routines have been played up by hustle culture bros to a gross degree. There is a nugget of truth to their con, though. How I start my day can have an impact on the rest of the day. Especially, on the task right after. So before I get ready I’m going to eat and drink water and then clack away at this here keyboard.
Using Writing Sprints
One thing I learned from National Novel Writing Month (it happens every November) is how to do writing sprints. Essentially, you set a timer and a word count goal and try to write as many words as possible before the timer runs out. I love this method because I tend to be someone who can get in my way. This usually means that crossing the first draft finish line is pretty difficult. I end up self-editing myself into oblivion. Having that word count goal helps me turn off the editor in my head and just do the damn thing. It is so much easier to just get my thoughts down on paper and then refine them later.
Do More Stuff Worth Talking About
It is a lot easier to write when you have something to write about. This is something I suggest for every creative. it’s more than just touching the grass. You have to get out into the world and experience it. Whatever you create is a reflection of your worldview so it’s essential that you develop that. I know when I’ve spent too many days locked in the studio. My music starts to sound flat and dusty. (I’m a video game composer by the way)
See you on the other side…
I’m excited to see how much faster and fluid my writing will become after this. I’m tracking everything so I can determine my gains at the end of the month. Seeing the progress also pumps me up to keep this going.
I hope you all have a wonderful August and may the Blaug be with you.